Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Gingy B Choreography

cho·re·og·ra·phy [kawr-ee-og-ruh-fee, kohr-] n. -

1. The art of creating and designing a series of planned steps.

Dancing Ging.


  1. Fantastic video, great insights and very lucid telling of your social media story! Thanks for sharing, Ginger. It looks like you're very well-positioned to define and refine your personal brand.

  2. awesome video Ginger! Great Job!

  3. Ginger you rock! This video proves it!

  4. Oops, I signed in with the wrong 'Digg' profile - Oh well - I still Dugg you!

    Love the video. Very authentic - You've nailed PB in social media - It's totally about bringing your personality into what you do - it's about being human and not just talking about what you think people want to hear.

    I love that you've credited @zoeyzoey and @rlangdon too - acknowledgment in the community goes a long way in social media.

    Good job Ginge ;)

  5. Thank you for the feedback everyone. I am still very nervous about having my work out in the public but I'm working on it.

    Anyone else feel this way at all?

    My PB is definitely coming along after being enlightened at personal brand camp.

    I wanted to do a video to show my background without having to spell it out...although this is not a true representation of what I learned in film school - my mac is broken (and thus is my software) :(

  6. big smile! almost tear in eye!

    this is work that surpasses expectations IMHO

    thanks Ginger.
